11 Business Pros Explain How They Use the Lean Startup Methodology

From testing out a promo video to fixing up features based on research, here are 11 answers to the question, “Can you share an example of how you use the Lean Startup methodology in your business?”

  • Testing for a Promotional Video
  • Putting an MVP Online from Day One
  • A/B Testing on Our Homepage
  • Driving Product Development
  • Implementing a Sprint Cycle
  • Monitoring Customer Feedback
  • Improving Our App
  • Focusing on Lean Metrics
  • Iterating Quickly on Feedback
  • Defining and Refining Our Core Product
  • Adjusting Features Based on Market Research

Testing for a Promotional Video

In my business, I have found the Lean Startup methodology immensely helpful in quickly testing different strategies before fully investing in one.

For example, I recently wanted to invest in a new promotional video but wasn’t sure where it would be most effective. Rather than just running it across all platforms at once, I launched a highly targeted campaign using several smaller edits on each of them separately.

Lorien Strydom

After collecting data on the performance and cost-effectiveness, I went forward with the strategy that generated the best results. Thanks to this process, I could quickly test out various ideas before committing too much of my resources.

Lorien Strydom, Executive Country Manager, Financer.com

Putting an MVP Online from Day One

The way we use it is by putting from day one into production a version of how our page will look. That way, our potential users can check how it will look and how it will work and give us their feedback.

First, we validated by checking that there was a real demand for such an app. Then, we built an MVP containing only the essential features with a simple interface. This MVP is being tested by every person who uses our website.

Luciano Colos

Based on the feedback received, we can iterate and improve our app, adding more features and training our AI to give better answers. This continuous cycle of testing, learning, and improvement ensures that the final product meets the needs of the market while maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste.

Luciano Colos, Founder & CEO, PitchGrade

A/B Testing on Our Homepage

We never wrote a business plan for our company, but instead have always used our landing page as the purest distillation of the business’ value and services. There’s something about the limited space of a landing page—a one-sentence header, three columns for value propositions—that forces us to cut out the fat in our story.

Using the Lean Startup methodology, we start with learning and are constantly listening and observing our customers and partners. Once we think we’ve learned something valuable, we will move into the Build phase by tweaking our messaging or our service offering on the website and in subsequent marketing materials.

Brett Ungashick

Finally, we’ll Measure that result using web traffic tools like Google Analytics, Crazy Egg, and Ahrefs to ensure the change drove the desired result.

Brett Ungashick, CEO & CHRO, OutSail

Driving Product Development

My company uses the Lean Startup methodology to drive product development and customer feedback. For example, when we wanted to launch a new product, instead of investing a lot of time and money into building out a full version of the product all at once, we tested the concept with potential customers by creating a prototype with the most important features.

Mina Elias

We then collected customer feedback and used it to refine the product before launching a full version. This allowed us to ensure that our product was something that our customers actually wanted and needed, saving us time, money, and resources in the long run.

Mina Elias, Founder & CEO, Trivium

Implementing a Sprint Cycle

We implement feedback cycles into all of our processes. Our agency functions on the sprint model, giving us clear starting and finishing points with campaigns. At the end of every campaign, we collect feedback from the team and use it to fine-tune processes (trimming redundancies, confusion, waste, etc.). Each new client is an opportunity to improve efficiency and keep our business lean as we grow.

James De Roche

James De Roche, Managing Partner, Lead Comet

Monitoring Customer Feedback

In my business, we use the Lean Startup methodology to create a minimum viable product (MVP) that we can launch quickly to the market. This MVP allows us to test the product with customers and get valuable feedback that can help us improve it. We use this feedback to create a product that meets the needs of our customers and is more likely to be successful.

Another way in which we use the Lean Startup methodology is to monitor customer feedback and use it to inform our decisions. We use customer feedback to determine which features are most important to our customers and to identify opportunities for improvement. This helps us to create better products more quickly and to make sure that we are meeting customer needs.

Michael Lazar

For example, we recently launched a new product and used the Lean Startup methodology to monitor customer feedback. We used this feedback to identify areas where we could improve the product and make changes to ensure that the product met customer needs.

Michael Lazar, Executive, ReadyCloud

Improving Our App

We’ve embraced the lean startup methodology in our business by focusing primarily on customer feedback to help us improve the service offering on our e-commerce SEO app.

Alvin Wei

By routinely collecting opinions from users and analyzing usage metrics, we’ve been able to add to the catalog of services that e-commerce merchants can benefit from while using our app. We use this feedback to improve our services. Case in point, the bulk image optimization tool was previously only available for one image at a time.

Alvin Wei, Co-Founder & CMO, SEOAnt

Focusing on Lean Metrics

I use the Lean Startup methodology in my business by focusing on lean metrics. This involves focusing on a few key metrics that are closely tied to the company’s success and using them to track progress and make decisions.

Shaun Connell

For example, I have identified customer acquisition cost and customer lifetime value as two metrics that are essential to my company’s success. I use these two metrics to track progress and decide how to continue growing my business. Along with that, I also track customer satisfaction, which helps me identify areas where I can improve my product or service. By regularly monitoring these metrics, I can ensure that my business is heading in the right direction.

Shaun Connell, CEO & Founder, Learn Financial Strategy

Iterating Quickly on Feedback

I use the Lean Startup methodology in my business by focusing on customer feedback and iterating quickly. For example, when I launched a new product, I immediately started interacting with customers to understand their needs and built the product based on this feedback.

Harman Singh

This has enabled me to improve a product tailored to my customers’ requirements and helped ensure customer satisfaction. In addition, I also tweaked certain features of the product over time based on customer feedback, which allowed me to continuously improve the quality of my product and stay ahead of the competition.

Harman Singh, Director, Cyphere

Defining and Refining Our Core Product

The Lean Startup Method helped us define and refine our core product. By quickly prototyping and gathering feedback from potential customers, we could validate and improve our ideas efficiently. This allowed us to prioritize features and make informed decisions about the direction of our product without wasting time and resources.

Tom Golubovich

The method helped us to iterate quickly and make changes based on real customer feedback, resulting in a product that better meets the needs of our target market. By using the Lean Startup Method, we could bring our product to market faster and with greater confidence in its success.

Tom Golubovich, Head of Marketing, Ninja Transfers

Adjusting Features Based on Market Research

As a training company, I have adopted the Lean Startup methodology to help ensure that my business is making decisions based on reliable and accurate customer data. For example, when I launched a new training course, I first did market testing to determine the demand for it.

Derek Bruce

After doing some research and surveying potential customers, I could adjust the features of the course accordingly. This allowed me to create a training program that would meet my customers’ needs and better ensure that the course would be successful.

Derek Bruce, Sr. Director, Newcastle First Aid Courses

Jordan French is the Founder and Executive Editor of Grit Daily. The champion of live journalism, Grit Daily’s team hails from ABC, CBS, CNN, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Forbes, Fox, PopSugar, SF Chronicle, VentureBeat, Verge, Vice, and Vox. An award-winning journalist, he is on the editorial staff at TheStreet.com and a Fast 50 and Inc. 500-ranked entrepreneur with one sale. Formerly an engineer and intellectual-property attorney, his third company, BeeHex, rose to fame for its “3D printed pizza for astronauts” and is now a military contractor. A prolific investor, he’s invested in 50+ early stage startups with 7 exits through 2022.

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