5 Tips for Developing Your Brand as a Web 3 Digital Artist

Web3 is a fantastic space. A Web 3 digital artist can take greater ownership of their artwork, participate in peer-to-peer marketplaces, and directly engage with fans or collectors.

But promoting your personal brand on blockchain takes time and effort. How can artists build their digital presence on Web3, and why is it important for the future of the Internet?

1. Engage with your fans by sharing your work while it’s still in progress

When I’m creating NFTs, I show the whole process online, on my YouTube channel. Since I’m shy I don’t talk; I just record myself working, step by step. This allows both young artists and my potential buyers to learn about me and to see every detail of what I do. It’s almost like they participate in the process of creation.

2. Educate your community and grow together: Web3 is about collaboration

Uplifting others by sharing your approach, expertise, knowledge, and techniques is a way to build your community. People follow my videos and posts because they want to learn how to create their own digital art. I am a mentor for them. My audience also helps me to understand what artwork sells: they give me feedback and ideas for new pieces. It’s always a discovery process: you never know what your community is gonna pick.

3. Build your presence in people’s lives by allowing them to buy a little piece of you

Collectors who pay thousands of dollars for an artwork are greatly sought after. It’s every artist’s dream to have a relationship with such an individual or an institution. I was lucky to engage with one of the biggest investment firms, which was  interested in giving my NFTs as gifts to its clients and partners. But there are plenty of people who can’t afford your work right now but might be able to buy in the future. Others have never heard of Web3 and prefer physical artwork. For them, I have a shop on RedBubble selling T-shirts, cups, mugs, and other merchandise. You’ll be surprised how many GenZs are buying stickers from the digital artists they love, just to put them on their laptops or tablets.

4. Don’t ignore Web2 social media while building a presence on Web3

The emerging Web3 space, which is a next-generation version of the existing Internet, is an extension of Web2, kind of like another layer. That’s why, as artists, we still should use traditional tools and social media such as Instagram and Twitter. The social component is extremely important within the Web3 space; we have to promote ourselves on all existing channels.

5. What happens on blockchain, stays on blockchain: Beware of decentralized social media platforms

Nowadays, digital artists join decentralized apps to promote their work. This helps them to connect directly to the Web3 community. The problem is that as soon as you express your opinion or share artwork on blockchain, it stays there forever. If later you change your artistic vision, it could be very embarrassing to meet the “old you” on blockchain. The decentralized social media networks aim to provide a more transparent and secure experience, but there’s no way for us to delete what’s already there. My recommendation is to stay away from Web3 social media and wait for better products.

Self-promotion is a struggle for many sensitive and introverted artists. At the same time, some creators who make horrible art but have a strong background in digital marketing are actively promoting themselves. In part, the recent crash of the NFT market was due to the overvaluation of those works. Talented artists shouldn’t hold back and avoid promoting their extraordinary work. In fact, our digital presence innovates the Web3 itself: we are creating, along with other people, a new version of the Internet. As more artists enter the Web3 space, the microcosmos of fans, collectors and collaborators is growing.

Mariana Marques is the founder of VRTopia, a project that aims to educate and inspire young digital artists to join Web3. Her NFTs are popular gifts in the investment banking industry. Mariana’s work is available for sale on OpenSea and RedBubble.

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