White paper: State of customer experience in financial services

The rise of digital banks, payment platforms and fintech disruptors has created an innovative, competitive customer landscape.

Financial services firms are looking for new ways to sustain growth in this environment — and improving the customer experience (CX) is a top priority. “The state of customer experience,” a new Genesys report, reveals that CX leaders in financial services are focusing CX improvements in three key areas: using data and artificial intelligence for customer understanding and personalization; workforce training and engagement; and improving efficiency through greater self-service.

This report provides financial services CX leaders with insight on the shifts driving these priorities, as well as information on how best to address them. It also spotlights how two top financial services firms are capturing data’s full potential — redefining what a winning channel strategy looks like through their CX improvements.

Download the report to discover how a focus on these three strategic CX priorities can help you achieve your business goals.

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