How Can You Keep Informed In The World Of Venture Capital?

Venture Capital is often seen as the holy grail of investing. It is usually the first entry point into new startups that have the potential to make significant changes in their industries, such as Uber
, DoorDash, and WhatsApp fundamentally changing how customers interact with their respective industries.

The financial metrics alone for some of those companies can appear staggering when compared to more passive strategies, with early investors in WhatsApp returning fifty times their original investment, turning $60 million into $3 billion.

Conversely, these successful disruptors represent a small number of companies in comparison to the many that start and never break through their first funding round. Some investors describe this as the Pareto Principle, where a small number of investments make up the majority of returns. Unlike passive investment like Index Funds, venture capital relies on the knowledge of the investor to be able to hit the right mark.

Knowledge and Analysis

Venture capital investment has traditionally favoured institutional investors and privately wealthy individuals. As a result, much of the analysis tools needed to support this kind of investment have not been available to personal investors, and the information that is available can require significant time and energy to collate in a way that can be utilised effectively.

For the individual investor looking to become involved in investing in venture capital this can be a barrier to the real work of investing; research, analysis, and decision-making.

New Players for New Investors

Access to accurate and impartial information is essential to making sound investment decisions. Institutional investment options can often cost-out individuals when it comes to the most up-to-date market data, with the extreme end like Bloomberg Terminals access running at around $2,000 a month.

However, there are platforms emerging to meet the needs of individual venture capital investors that bring together data, tools, and community to help users inform and develop their strategy. Global Venture Partners has announced the release of its unique Unicorn Way Analytics platforms that have been breaking ground and bringing new investors into the venture capital and startup landscape by building out their platform to suit the specific needs of this kind of investor.

Unicorn Way has developed its app-based platform to cater to individual investors by providing them with automated analytics tools, in-depth search functionality, and personalised notifications. Providing the analytical support to investors entering into startup and venture capital investing could potentially give this kind of investor a jump on the slower competition as the market cools and recedes in anticipation of a bull run further down the line.

As personal finance and investment have become more accessible there has also become a need for discussion, support, and input from industry opinion leaders to help contextualise emerging information. Acknowledging that this kind of investment can be about more than just numbers, Unicorn Way allows companies and key players seeking investment with their potential inventors.

Talk, Unicorn Ways social media platform, has been designed to facilitate discussion about this kind of VC investment among its users. With a community made up of other investors working towards similar goals, they can pick up on insights and balance out erratic speculation.

Alternative means of keeping informed about financial and tech news can include legacy news media organisations, however, they have come under fire in the last decade for lacking editorial transparency. Investors seeking analysis and opinion from experts have become wary of the angle chosen by outlets as they prioritise advertising revenue over the quality of their reporting.

On top of providing streams of information from blogs, industry insiders, and other analytics, the inclusion of a rich social environment based on analysis and diverse opinion sharing

Breaking Age-Old Boundaries

As the tech industry continues to expand, and the democratisation of investment opportunities increases, areas like Venture Capital offer a ripe ground for significant growth in financial investments and the opportunity to become involved in some of the most influential societal changes of the last decades.

Platforms like Unicorn Way are placed in a position to provide data, analysis, and insight into the tides of VC investing and allow users to focus on making their investment decisions based on relevant and up-to-date information.

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