Ran Roth, CEO & Co-Founder of Sensibo: Smart ACs for a Smarter Climate

Ran Roth is the CEO & Co-Founder of Sensibo, the leading Climate Tech company combining smart ACs with a more sustainable world. On this episode of the Grit Daily Startup, Ran shared that he started his academia during his high school and served in unit 8200 in the IDF. He continued to obtain a B.Sc. in physics and maths and an M.Sc. in computer science. Ran has led teams in successful startups such as Mobileye (sold to Intel for $15bn) and Dapper (sold to Yahoo! for $55M) focusing on Big Data and sensors. In Sensibo, he is directing the company’s future strategy and roadmap.

It was the summer of 2004 and Omer Enbar was dreading the idea of returning to his sweltering apartment after a rigorous bike commute home. By rigging an IR blaster to an old laptop and some coding magic, he would activate his AC by sending an email titled “AC on”.  He was now able to activate his AC just before his bike ride home. Years had gone by, and this pet project lay forgotten, until 2013 when Omer was discussing climate change with a friend, who referenced a recent article about the effects of air conditioners on energy and CO2 emissions. It was then that Omer teamed up with his friend, future co-founder, Ran Roth to begin manually building the first Sensibo prototypes. These prototypes were tested on friends and families until the concept was perfected. The two officially co-founded Sensibo in 2014 through a crowdfunding campaign. Since launching, Sensibo has grown into a global brand with global implications in the fight for a cleaner planet and comfy homes.

Jennifer Johnson is the Booking Producer for Grit Daily’s podcasts.

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