Terry Beard, Founder of Public Speaking Expert: We Owe One Another Two Minutes

Sebastian Rusk of the Grit Daily Podcast interviews Terry Beard of Public Speaking Expert about the world of startups. Terry shares Jeff Bezos’ thoughts on the importance of speaking and writing skills and emphasizes the importance of bringing people together who know the startup process. He encourages listeners to find their own voice while concluding the interview with a call to start a movement he is currently working on.

Topics Discussed and Key Points:

  • The Importance of Writing and Speaking Skills in the Workplace
  • Finding Your Voice and Starting a Movement


[00:03:59] The Importance of Writing and Speaking Skills in the Workplace

[00:08:06] Finding Your Voice and Starting a Movement

Notable Quotes:

“People need and must find their voices. And I have felt really successful. My younger son graduated number 1 at Cal Berkeley, and number 1 at Stanford. All because he found his voice. I mean, that’s a report card.”

“If we want to find alignment, we got to be in alignment with ourselves first. We have got to be working on becoming a full built-out package ourselves before we can expect others to be there if we want them working with us.”

“Don’t stick with anything. Gotta be flexible. Gotta be nimble. Gotta be able to get up and speak, get people to be in fellowship with you in a sense of community.”

“It’s the old 80-20 rule. 20 percent of the people are doing all the acne. Over 80 percent of the American public don’t talk about the fact that people are scared to death of speech anxiety, and we just don’t talk about it. That’s not a very good report card. Right?”

Credit: Source link

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