MiR Insights cloud-based software optimizes AMR fleets

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MiR Insights software for its AMRs

Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR) today at ProMat introduced MiR Insights, a cloud-based software tool that enables fleet owners to track and analyze the operations of its autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). MiR said key features include data dashboards to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and heatmaps that track robot activity over both time and physical locations and to visualize areas with poor WiFi coverage and potential robot traffic bottlenecks.

MiR Insights is hosted on Microsoft Azure and is used in connection with MiR Fleet, MiR’s fleet management software. MiR Insights reads data from MiR Fleet but does not interfere with fleet operations or individual robot control, or adjust fleet settings. The data interface has options for data visualization as well as an API to port raw data for use in external systems.

MiR Insights will be available to customers in Q2 2023.

“MiR Insights provides robot fleet users a much better understanding of the robots’ performance and how they interact with their physical environment,” said Walter Vahey, president, MiR. “This knowledge will enable our users to continue to improve and expand their installations more rapidly and further increase their ROI.”

In late 2022, Teradyne merged its AMR subsidiaries AutoGuide Mobile Robots and MiR. This single supplier of AMRs is called Mobile Industrial Robots and is headquartered in Odense, Denmark, where MiR has managed its global operations since its launch in 2013. Prior to the merger, MiR offered a range of AMRs capable of carrying payloads and pallets up to 3,000 lb. (1350 kg). By combining with AutoGuide, the portfolio will expand to include high-payload AMR tuggers and forklifts that will operate on the MiRFleet software.

Then in early 2023, Søren E. Nielsen stepped down as president of MiR. Nielsen stepped into the role in August 2020, taking over the role from Thomas Visti Jensen. Nielsen was previously MiR’s chief technology officer since January 2018.

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