Old-School Marketing Meets Second Chances: Drip Drop Distro Formula for Entrepreneurial Success

Digital marketing and big data often dominate business strategies. However, Doug Campbell, the founder and CEO of Drip Drop Distro, is rewriting the entrepreneurial rulebook. In a candid conversation with Phillip Lanos on the Grit Daily Startup Show, Doug spilled the beans on his unique formula that combines old-school marketing strategies with a socially responsible ethos.

Doug’s approach is unique. From offering second chances to individuals with criminal records to embracing aggressive marketing and profit-sharing, Drip Drop Distro’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. We explore this in the article below, but for a deep dive into Doug’s fascinating entrepreneurial journey, make sure you check out the full episode.

Balancing Family with Entrepreneurship

Doug Campbell makes it clear that entrepreneurship isn’t just a business venture for him. He sees it as a way of life that has to co-exist harmoniously with his role as a husband and father. With an emotional acknowledgment of the sacrifices he has made and the guilt he has sometimes felt, Doug’s life serves as an open book for any entrepreneur grappling with the never-ending juggle between work and family.

In his own journey, Doug’s wife plays a significant role in managing the household, allowing him to focus on his work. But the need for self-reflection is always there to ensure he’s not compromising his family’s emotional well-being for material success. His story serves as a beacon for those in the entrepreneurship world struggling to find that elusive work-life balance.

The Resilience of Old-School Marketing

Contrary to what many might assume, old-school marketing techniques are far from dead. In fact, they are very much alive and thriving, as demonstrated by Drip Drop Distro’s business model. Doug and his team have turned to traditional marketing tactics such as face-to-face interactions and word-of-mouth to build their brand.

The model takes a human-centered approach that relies on personal connections rather than numbers on social media. Doug is unabashedly “old-school,” choosing to focus on relationship-building and customer satisfaction as the pillars of his marketing strategy.

Second Chances as a Business Model

One of the most captivating aspects of Drip Drop Distro is its dedication to social responsibility, particularly in offering second chances to people with a criminal record. Doug Campbell refuses to let societal judgments cloud his business decisions, opting to assess the character and determination of an individual rather than their criminal record.

Doug’s policy has resulted in a workplace culture that is not just diverse but also rich in life experiences and grit, qualities that he believes contribute to the company’s success. The focus on “second chances” isn’t merely a tagline but a core company value that has a tangible social impact.

Aggressive Marketing, Counterculture Space, and Profit Sharing

Despite Doug’s “old-school” preferences, he is eager to enter the digital world with an aggressive marketing strategy, spearheaded by a skilled team. With eyes set on opportunities in the counterculture space, Drip Drop Distro is preparing for a paradigm shift as state and federal regulations evolve. The company also prioritizes its employees through a profit-sharing model, ensuring that everyone benefits from the company’s success.


Doug Campbell’s entrepreneurial journey goes beyond profit margins and market reach. It’s a compelling narrative of how business can be personal, socially responsible, and successful all at the same time. Whether it’s balancing family and work, sticking to tried-and-true marketing methods, or offering second chances to those society has cast aside, Doug is proving that the entrepreneurial road less traveled can sometimes be the most rewarding.

For a complete understanding of Doug’s philosophies and practices, don’t forget to listen to the full episode of the Grit Daily Startup Show with Phillip Lanos featuring Doug Campbell.

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