Build a Strong Brand Voice From the Onset

Most startups need to do a better job of capturing their voice when they start out their business. In today’s competitive ecommerce landscape, where online sales are predicted to reach an astounding $5.54 trillion this year, it’s never been more important to invest in developing a genuine and independent brand voice from the get-go.

Stand out from the crowd with a memorable brand 

Today’s consumers are quick to dismiss businesses that push vague, watered-down ideas with little regard for what genuinely matters to their audience. To attract like-minded customers, startups and brands that are just starting out need to cultivate and express a clear set of values using consistent messaging across all channels. Afterall, rich, trusting, and lasting relationships with customers are built on a foundation of shared values, respect and empathy.

More ecommerce activity means more businesses are competing for the same consumers – making it even harder for startups with limited resources to keep up and stay competitive:

  • With research showing that 91% of consumers will leave a mobile app or site if it doesn’t satisfy their needs, it’s essential for small brands to prioritize the mobile ecommerce experience as this is where the majority of consumers are – and where they should likely direct most resources and efforts.
  • In addition to product marketing, small brands should connect and engage with consumers on what their brand represents (e.g. communicating clearly their vision, mission, and brand story – which is where startups can often have an advantage when starting out) and share that through immersive and memorable designs, web pages, and social media interactions. If done right, this aspect will make brands truly stand out among their competition and foster a strong brand image from the beginning on.

Provide curated and personalized shopping experiences 

What makes a good e-commerce experience? For starters, they’re built on a foundation of functionality, reliability, and usability – table stakes for today’s digital first consumer. But to keep customers coming back, you need to deliver a differentiated shopping experience at the right time and place with the right information. As ecommerce continues to move away from traditional online stores to publishers, social networks and beyond, the opportunity influence the decisions and preferences of shoppers increases. Successfully addressing customers’ needs at each touchpoint, especially on mobile, is a huge competitive edge. Research from Forrester reveals that 61% of U.S. adults are unlikely to return to sites that don’t provide a positive experience.

So, how do you deliver a great experience at each touchpoint? First, understand how and where customers are discovering your products and making purchase decisions. For example, you can look at what search terms were used, frequently asked questions, product reviews and social media discussions to get a sense for what information is important to your customers. Next, deliver valuable information they can use in their purchasing decisions via a streamlined and lightweight shopping experience that’s easy to navigate and loads fast.

To further delight customers, small brands/startups can elevate these critical touchpoints by incorporating interactive 3D product images, catchy, on-brand micro copy, and AR technology to create an immersive and memorable shopping experience. Optimizing these experiences for mobile is a must as more and more commerce takes place on social apps and the mobile web.

While this may sound like a big investment for a business just starting out, there are a variety of easy-to-use and affordable tools on the market that empower anyone to build sophisticated experiences with limited resources.

Build deeper connections with customers on social platforms

Social commerce is booming as more and more people sign on to social networks. Most people spend an average of two hours and 25 minutes daily scrolling platforms or apps such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Leveraging social to build an engaged audience is a cost effective way for small brands to drive awareness, foster positive and long-term customer relationships, and ultimately strengthen their brand and brand loyalty. 

You can tap into a variety of social media opportunities to engage your target audiences and meet them where they already are – video and live shopping via social platforms, posting video product reviews, product drops on live video, and using shopping and story features on platforms to showcase live product demos or customer takeovers. By highlighting brand ambassadors, brand voices, influencers, and products live on relevant social platforms, smaller brands can tell their stories and emphasize what they care about and stand for in a more engaging and personal way.

Think about your favorite brand to visit in the digital space. Consider for a moment what you love about their space. Odds are that you value the personal and engaging experience they have created. This is the goal for startups when it comes to sprinting out of the gate with an authentic and strong voice and messaging – developing a memorable and unique brand from the beginning.

Sara Osborn is the VP of Partnerships and Integrations at Amaze, a mobile ecommerce design platform helping anyone easily market and sell products online. Sara previously led product development, strategy, and execution for two products across four teams as Head of Product and Engineering Operations.

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