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The Main Takeaways from Sam Altman’s Testimony to Congress
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has dramatically reshaped our world, from the way we…
10 Powerful Things That Bard Can Do But ChatGPT Can’t
ChatGPT has been the talk of the town ever since it has…
Researchers from China Propose StructGPT to Improve the Zero-Shot Reasoning…
Large language models (LLMs) have recently made significant progress in natural language processing (NLP). Existing…
CMU and Meta AI Researchers Propose HACMan: A Reinforcement Learning…
Human skill relies heavily on the capacity to handle items beyond simple grabbing. Pushing, flipping, toppling, and…
Peking University Researchers Introduce FastServe: A Distributed Inference…
Large language model (LLM) improvements create opportunities in various fields and inspire a new wave of interactive…
9+ Use Cases of ChatGPT that Went on Steriods
With the advent of the internet, ChatGPT is now available to everyone. Steroids have been added to ChatGPT. Here are…
Meet CoMoSpeech: A Consistency Model-Based Method For Speech Synthesis That…
With the growing human-machine interaction and entertainment applications, text-to-speech (TTS) and singing voice…
Meet Deepbrain: An AI StartUp That Lets You Instantly Create AI Videos…
TTS systems and artificially intelligent video creators are revolutionizing how we engage with information. In…
Accelerating Scientific Discoveries: AI Conducts Autonomous Experiments
An artificial intelligence platform known as BacterAI, designed by a research team led by a professor at the University of…
Agents, Assemble! Meet AutoNeRF: An AI Approach Designed to Use Autonomous…
Drones and robots. They are becoming increasingly popular in recent years, with advances in technology making them…