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Michael McTear, Emeritus Professor at Ulster University
Michael McTear is an Emeritus Professor at Ulster University. He has been researching in the field of spoken dialogue systems for…
Fast & Flexible Image Augmentations for Computer Vision
Data augmentation has become an essential technique in the field of computer vision, enabling the generation of diverse and robust…
Stefan Schaffer, Senior Researcher, German Research Center for AI (DFKI)
Stefan Schaffer is a Senior Researcher and Group Leader at the Cognitive Assistants department of the German Research Center for…
The Future of Machine Learning on a Minuscule Scale
In recent years, the field of machine learning has experienced exponential growth, with applications in diverse domains such as…
Meet SparseFormer: A Neural Architecture for Sparse Visual Recognition with…
Developing neural networks for visual recognition has long been a fascinating but difficult subject in computer…
Do Models like GPT-4 Behave Safely When Given the Ability to Act?: This AI…
Natural language processing is one area where AI systems are making rapid strides, and it is important that the…
This AI Application Can Crack Your Password in Less Than One Minute
Passwords are a main aspect of online security, but people often struggle to create strong and memorable passwords.…
Best AI Apps For Mental Health (2023)
In recent years, AI has played an increasingly important role in mental health, and this field is set to alter how…
A New AI Research Integrates Masking into Diffusion Models to Develop…
There has been a long-standing desire to provide visual data in a way that allows for deeper comprehension. Early…
Stability AI Releases SDXL (Stable Diffusion XL) Beta
The beta version of Stability AI’s latest model, SDXL, is now available for preview (Stable Diffusion XL Beta). They…