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Meet OnePose++: A Novel AI Keypoint-Free One-Shot Object Pose Estimation…
Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been truly remarkable, with rapid advancements in deep…
Meet MOSE: A New Dataset for Video Object Segmentation in Complex Scenes
One of the most fundamental and difficult computer vision problems is essential for many illegal applications,…
MIT and Oxford Researchers Propose a New AI Method Called ADEV that…
A major issue in computer science and its applications, including artificial intelligence, operations research, and…
A New AI Research Addresses the Issue of News Suggestions Influencing…
Today, with millions of news pieces from various sources, many news readers access news online. News recommender…
How to develop your Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy
AI strategy defines a roadmap for integrating AI into business to enhance operational efficiency. Artificial intelligence can be…
This AI Paper Raises a Rarely Studied Privacy Risk of the Training Data of…
Person re-identification (Re-ID) is an image retrieval task that identifies a specific person in different images or…
Meet CutLER (Cut-and-LEaRn): A Simple AI Approach For Training Object…
Object detection and image segmentation are crucial tasks in computer vision and artificial intelligence. They are…
Are Legged Robots Safe in the Workplace?
A new study suggests that it still might be a long time before we can safely interact with legged robots in the real world.A…
Best Text-to-Video AI Generators (2023)
The boom of social media and the internet has resulted in a demand for high-quality video content. Traditional ways…
Google And Columbia University Researchers Introduce Mnemosyne Optimizer: A…
While it may seem appealing to train ML optimizers, doing so is costly because the examples used to train these…