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Venture Capital
ABB and Redeia’s corporate VC backed grid transformer efficiency…
Going digital is high stakes for the world's energy grids. Many operators are about to make once-in-a-generation capex spends,…
HUB71 community now consists of startups that have raised $1bln in venture…
Nine startups had raised over US$150 million collectively at the time of joining Abu Dhabi’s global tech ecosystem in 2022, having…
7 bootstrapped Balkan companies you need to know about
With recessions looming and startups under greater scrutiny, the “growth at all costs” mindset that…
Asian VC fund Sora Ventures relocates to ‘crypto friendly’…
Asian VC firm Sora Ventures has announced it is moving its business to Taipei in Taiwan in favor of “a very crypto-friendly…
Bessemer, Georgian, OMERS VCs discuss the state of the market
The next four to six months will be the hardest for startups to raise in.
Two pods ago, OMERS…
Venture capital: A winner and a loser as a rollercoaster 2023 wraps up
OPINION/ANALYSISMovac is pumping, defying the venture capital drought.
The Wellington-based VC has just received a $20…
There are a lot of reasons to be excited about Canada’s venture…
Canada’s venture market isn’t immune from the global market downturn, but unlike the U.S. — where…
How A U.K. Rating Company Aims To Increase The Flow Of Qualified Leads To…
Richard Blakesley of Capital says a rating system can provide a diversity of qualified leads to VCs.Capital Pilot
If you’re a VC,…
5 lessons we’ve learned from building a venture fund from scratch •…
Eric Tarczynski
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Why Women Aren’t Getting VC Funding At The Same Rate As Men
When Women Lead outlines the stories of female leaders and what we can learn from their leadership ... journey.getty
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