Digital Transformation is Triggered by Cutting-Edge Venture Capitalists

by IndustryTrends December 3, 2022


Digital transformation has become an integral part of the business growth and devlopment

To successfully execute a transformation initiative, companies need to reconsider how they operate from the inside out and digital transformation is the only way to trigger this revolution. However, these venture capitalists are helping businesses out with their developments.


Two Sigma Ventures

Two Sigma Ventures, a division of Two Sigma Investments, invests in companies that are harnessing information growth and computing power to solve problems. They believe the most important companies of the future will be the product of three forces: the exponentially increasing availability of information; rapid advancements in the science of computing; and the ingenuity of visionary founders.



Verkada builds modern security solutions for cloud-managed enterprise building security. Verkada brings the ease of use that consumer security solutions provider, to the levels of scale and protection that businesses and organizations require. By building high-end hardware on an intuitive, cloud-based software platform, modern enterprises are able to run safer, smarter buildings across all of their locations.


ViSenze – The Smartest Product Discovery Platform for Retailers. ViSenze processes over a billion query a month from retailers, supporting them in-store and on ecommerce sites. Use cases range from enhanced search, product tagging, smart recommendations, and merchandising analytics. ViSenze’s automated AI platform empowers retail merchants to increase revenue by delivering exceptional experiences that make it easier for shoppers to discover products.


Vivint Smart Home offers an integrated smart home system with in-home consultation, professional installation, and support. Vivint can come at a high price, but impressive new security cameras and one app for everything are just two reasons that Vivint’s smarter home security systems are worth the price of admission.

Y Combinator

Y Combinator is a startup accelerator that invests in a wide range of startups twice a year. The overall goal of YC is to help startups really take off. They arrive at YC at all different stages. Some haven’t even started working yet, and others have been launched for a year or more. But whatever stage a startup is at when they arrive, their goal is to help them to be in dramatically better shape 3 months later.

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