Effective Solutions for Sustainable Production

Achieving more sustainable production is a key weapon in the battle against climate change. By changing how the products we use in everyday life are produced, we can drastically lower the amount of energy we use, the amounts of waste that are created, and the amounts of carbon we release into the atmosphere.

New manufacturing processes and new ways of thinking are required to achieve sustainable production.

To this end, there are three main areas we must focus on:

  • Companies must now consider the environmental impact that a product has during every stage of its lifespan Raw materials should be sustainable and recyclable or biodegradable
  • To reduce waste, manufacturers can develop more efficient ways of designing and testing products by partnering with experts in digital 3D technology such as 3DS
  • Innovation, tenacity, and creativity are essential components in the quest to build more sustainable manufacturing processes. Combining human ingenuity with the latest technology can provide us with a pathway to a better, greener, more secure future.

There is an environmental toll that is taken during every stage of a product’s lifecycle, from the initial design process to the manufacturing, transportation, usage of the product, and finally to its disposal. Every step in this chain has an environmental cost that must be analyzed.

Companies and manufacturers need to focus on the environmental impact of each stage of their product and what they can do to minimize or eliminate any negative effects. There are questions that must be posed at every stage of the production process, such as:

  • Design – Can more economical and effective design methods be used to reduce waste and develop a more energy-efficient product?
  • Manufacturing – Can production processes be automated or enhanced to reduce emissions and waste? Transportation – Is the supply chain able to be streamlined so as to reduce carbon dioxide emissions? Product use – Can the longevity of the product be increased? Can it be made to be more energy efficient?
  • Disposal – Is the product made of recyclable materials? Can it be easily disposed of in a responsible manner by the end user?

Rather than opt for a traditional material that may have a greater environmental impact, such as plastic, manufacturers and designers should investigate alternatives. There have been many recent advances in alternative raw materials that are durable, sustainable, and cost-effective. These include polylactic acid (PLA) a biodegradable plastic that can be used for packaging, organic fabric such as polyethylene furanoate (PEF), as well as reclaimed and recycled materials such as glass, aluminum, and rubber.

The decisions made during the design stage of a product are crucial to ensuring its sustainability. By incorporating 3D digital design technology, designers can experiment during the prototype stage without having to create waste. Real-life situations can be simulated so that designers can assess how different materials and components would react.

In this way, designers can discover innovative ways to make products more durable, lightweight, energy efficient, and recyclable. Changes can be made dynamically, so manufacturing errors are avoided. Optimum outcomes can be achieved without the need to continuously produce physical prototypes for testing purposes.

The quest to achieve sustainable production is crucial to lowering carbon emissions and avoiding the most severe outcomes of climate change. This is surely the most important challenge of the 21st century.

With recent advances in digital design technology and the rise of more environmentally friendly raw materials, companies can develop better ways of manufacturing products. Partnerships between manufacturers, designers, and digital technology experts must be forged so stakeholders can find optimum solutions.

Consumers are now demanding that the products they purchase are environmentally friendly and manufactured in a sustainable, ethical manner. Companies that have not yet moved towards more environmentally friendly ways of manufacturing will find themselves falling behind their competitors in the marketplace. Developing sustainable production processes ensures that companies not only meet their responsibilities to the global community but also secure their own future sustainability.

Jennifer Johnson is the Booking Producer for Grit Daily’s podcasts.

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