Evinature’s CurQD® Protocol: A Natural Breakthrough in IBD Treatment

In the realm of healthcare, the search for effective and patient-friendly treatments for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) has been an ongoing challenge. However, a ray of hope has emerged in the form of CurQD® – a groundbreaking protocol developed by Evinature. This revolutionary approach to IBD treatment is making waves in the medical world, offering highly individualized, natural, and clinically-proven regimens to improve the lives of IBD patients. 

Developed by Leading IBD Researchers

CurQD® stands as a testament to the power of rigorous research and innovation. Developed at Sheba Medical Center (SMC), one of Newsweek’s top 10 hospitals in the world, the protocol embodies excellence in medical science. The minds behind this groundbreaking approach are Dr. Nir Salomon, Director of the Integrative Gastroenterology unit at SMC, and Professor Shomron Ben-Horin MD, Chief of the Gastroenterology Department & Director of the Gastro-Immunology Research Laboratory Department of Gastroenterology at SMC. Their extensive clinical experience and dedication to improving IBD treatment have paved the way for a protocol that offers new hope to patients worldwide.

The CurQD® Protocol: Personalized IBD Treatment

The CurQD® Protocol is a revolutionary 6-week program designed to address the unique needs of each IBD patient. What sets this protocol apart is its high level of personalization. Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, CurQD® tailors its regimens to specific stages and conditions of IBD. This level of customization ensures that patients receive treatment that is not only effective but also comfortable and easy to follow.

Taking the First Step: Online Assessment

Embarking on the CurQD® Protocol journey is simple and convenient. Patients can start by taking a free online assessment, a tool developed by leading IBD researchers. This assessment is based on validated disease indexes and is designed to determine the most effective protocol for each patient’s current needs. The goal is to provide patients with a treatment plan that aligns with their unique condition.

Guidance and Support Every Step of the Way

Once patients have completed the online assessment and begun their CurQD® Protocol, they are not left to navigate the journey alone. Evinature offers continuous support and guidance throughout the treatment process. Regular follow-ups and full clinic support ensure that patients stay on track and experience the best possible outcomes.

Simplified and Effective

One of the remarkable aspects of the CurQD® Protocol is its simplicity. Patients need only take four pills a day for six weeks to follow the protocol. This ease of use is a game-changer for many IBD patients who have previously faced complex and burdensome treatment regimens. The simplicity of CurQD® does not compromise its effectiveness; it is a thoroughly tested protocol with a high percentage of efficacy.

Scientifically Validated Formulations

The CurQD® Protocol leverages the most effective formulations for each regimen, as determined by placebo-controlled clinical trials. This scientific approach ensures that patients receive treatments that have been rigorously tested and proven to be effective. Regular adjustments are made to each patient’s protocol as needed, based on their progress and response to treatment. This dynamic approach enhances the chances of achieving the fastest and most successful results.

A Natural Approach to Healing

Unlike conventional treatments, the CurQD® Protocol offers a natural approach to healing. By harnessing the power of natural ingredients, this protocol offers a safe and alternative way to manage IBD. It aligns with the growing interest in holistic and integrative healthcare approaches, acknowledging the potential of nature in improving patient outcomes.


Evinature’s CurQD® Protocol represents a significant leap forward in the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Developed by leading IBD researchers at the prestigious Sheba Medical Center, this protocol offers a highly personalized, natural, and clinically-proven approach to IBD treatment. The simplicity of the regimen, coupled with continuous guidance and support, makes it a patient-friendly option that is changing the lives of IBD patients worldwide. As the medical community continues to embrace innovation and patient-centric care, the CurQD® Protocol stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking a better way to manage their IBD.

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