How JORNY Is Redefining Retirement Via Hospitality and Personal Growth

In today’s youth-obsessed world, the vast majority of people equate retirement with leaving our learning and working selves behind. For some of us, it can even lead to losing self-respect and self-value. But as life expectancy continues to shift dramatically (the World Health Organization predicts that one in six people globally will be aged 60 or over, with this figure doubling to 2.1 billion by 2050), we must cast aside this obsolete mindset.

This is precisely what Jorny, a New York-based hybrid hospitality firm, seeks to provide. Jorny is dedicated to offering a unique personal growth program and community across diverse global destinations. Using personal assessment tools and learning models developed by psychologists specialized in the matter, Jorny aims to facilitate personal growth for a demographic often overlooked. And with wellness hospitality becoming a vertical of its own for travelers, Jorny is positioned to deliver a truly unique experience.  

The Need for Personal Growth

The search for purpose in later life, once considered a luxury, is now transforming into a “must” for everyone. Without a defined purpose, a surplus of time in the absence of direction can lead to anxiety and depression, particularly in older age. That’s why the transformative shift from “retiring to relaunching” is no longer exclusive but a pursuit that everyone over the age of 55 can and must embark upon. This is the idea behind the Jorny movement. 

Democratizing midlife growth, Jorny aims to address the unfulfilled potential of midlifers’ and retirees’ extended years to help them explore new passions, broaden horizons, and cultivate a renewed sense of purpose – a pursuit critical at this juncture in life, according to various studies. For example, a Mayo Clinic study has shown that those with a purpose live longer, have lower amounts of stress, sleep better, have a more robust immune system, and improved cognitive function.

This is especially the case for adults over 50. However, discovering a sense of purpose in today’s world poses an increasingly formidable challenge. As self-proclaimed experts inundate TikTok and Instagram with copious advice and strategies tailored for Generation Z and Millennials, the 50 and over demographic remains underserved and in need of more targeted solutions.

Community First

Jorny’s supportive community model allows individuals to find the encouragement and the role models they need, as well as access to one-on-one mentors and like-minded friends. As part of its growth offerings, the company offers a digital and easy-to-use assessment tool named “The Growth Compass,” which is designed to guide individuals who are looking for growth but don’t know where to begin. According to the company, this groundbreaking tool, which is expected to become a standard in retirement planning, will be available free of charge to the public.

Additionally, Jorny provides weekly motivation through its complimentary newsletter. Subscribers can access this free resource to not only stay informed about the latest findings in health and wellness studies but also to stay updated on the newest offerings.

JORNY Rethinking Retirement

Eliran Bar, founder and CEO of Jorny, envisions a future where an extended lifespan is not merely about more years but an opportunity for continued work, personal exploration, growth, goal pursuit, and social enhancement. This reimagined retirement experience promises to be more fulfilling and enriching than ever before.

“JORNY’s entire modus operandi is based on positive aging and the growth mindset. Not only do we offer a unique growth assessment tool that acts as the starting point for personal possibility, but we also provide supportive communities where you can engage in growth-driven experiences and more. We are active across the world. With JORNY you can thrive after 55 and enjoy the best that is yet to come.”-Eliran Bar, co-founder at Jorny.  

Jorny aspires to catalyze personal growth through distinctive global and community-driven encounters offered at their specialized growth locations. These transformative experiences are far removed from conventional workshops and classes, resembling more of a rejuvenating vacation for individuals seeking profound personal development.

“It’s time for us to make something new, and Jorny empowers us to embark on that journey. Retirement can become a new chapter of growth – a time to shed old shackles and obligations, bravely placing ourselves at the center of a realm where we can become anything we can imagine.”-Itamar Bar, co-founder at Jorny.

Peter Salib is a Tech Columnist at Grit Daily. Based in New Jersey, he is an avid participant of events nationwide who’s attended CES in Las Vegas consecutively since 2013. Peter is the host and producer of Show & Tell, a product showcase YouTube channel and also works at Gadget Flow, a leading product discovery platform reaching 31M consumers every month. Peter frequently works with startups on media, content writing, events, and sales. His dog, Scruffy, was a guest product model on the Today Show with Kathy Lee & Hoda in 2018 and was dubbed “Scruffy the Wonder Dog.”

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