Mosaic Foods Raises $6M to Make Plant-Based Foods More Appealing and Convenient

Mosaic Foods, a food delivery startup based in New York, has raised $6 million in seed funding to have delicious and nutritious plant-based food delivered to its customer’s doors.

The funding round was led by Gather Ventures, with participation from Greycroft and Alleycorp. The round brings the total funding raised by the startup to $10 million after raising $4 million from Gather Ventures back in February of this year. Adam Slutsky, Founder and Partner of Gather Ventures, referred to the round by stating:

“Mosaic Foods is a clear leader in the fast-growing, plant-based foods industry. I’ve been familiar with the brand since its launch in 2019 and am continually impressed with its approach to the market and growth. As an advocate for the power of plant-based eating, I appreciate how Mosaic enables consumers to access healthy foods through easy-to-prepare frozen meals that feature restaurant-grade quality flavors and ingredients. Gather Ventures is thrilled to join Mosaic and support the company as it continues to innovate and thrive within the industry.”

Mosaic Foods was founded back in 2019 to make eating good food easier than ever for people looking to improve their health by consuming nutritious food without the hassle of preparing it. The startup achieves this by using high-quality ingredients to prepare recipes hand-crafted by professional chefs, which are then delivered to customers at their doors and ready to prepare while having a beneficial impact on their lifestyle. Matt Davis, CEO and co-founder of Mosaic, said about what the startup is looking to achieve:

“At Mosaic, our mission is simple: we want to help put good food on every table. Many people want to eat more balanced diets but obstacles like cost, taste, time and accessibility often prove insurmountable. We started Mosaic to make plant-based eating as easy as takeout and as affordable as home cooking. Over the last two years, we’ve brought innovative meals to market and scaled our business considerably. Today, we’re thrilled to welcome new financial partners into our mission and work together to create more delicious opportunities for consumers to embrace plant-based eating through frozen food.”

According to a survey conducted by Gallup in 2018, only 5% of all American adults considered themselves vegetarian.
However, according to Forbes more than 12% of all Millenials and 7% of Gen Zers self-describe vegans, a number that is likely to increase as they get older and the offering of vegetarian-ready products continue to increase. Mosaic Food is aiming to become a major player in the industry as the demand increases, already experiencing more than 15x in growth during its first year in the market and expanding its team to over 30 members.

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