NYU Stern’s VC Intern Class (Summer 2022) | by Chris Millisits | NYU Stern Private Equity and Venture Capital Club (PEVC) | Jun, 2022

Just wanted to use our (albeit limited) platform to shout about the superstars from our classes going to work in VC over the summer. 13 Sternies (~3% of the class) landed internships in VC. Headshots included so you can spot us at various events around the city this summer!

Stages: Seed

Sectors: Generalist

Twitter: @knizbet

Fun Fact: Hates fun facts!

Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed

Sectors: Data Infrastructure, Developer Tools, Cybersecurity

Twitter: @Ranikubersky

Fun Fact: I’ve studied opera for 14+ years.

Stages: Seed

Sectors: FinTech, InsurTech, Applied AI, Drones and Robotics

Twitter: @Broccoli_Reb

Fun Fact: I collect Star Wars legos.

Stages: Seed

Sectors: Deep Tech, Clean Tech, Medical breakthroughs

Twitter: @jjtzeng

Fun Fact: In middle school I thought it would be fun to memorize pi to the 100th digit.

Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed

Sectors: Fintech, Enterprise

Twitter: @CMillisits

Fun Fact: Used to run a Grantland-style reality TV / sports blog. The main attraction: our weekly Bachelor recaps.

Stages: late stage VC/PE/IPO (broadly M&A)

Sectors: Healthcare

Fun Fact: Serious Pokémon card collector

Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed

Sectors: Climate Tech & AgTech (HOF also invests across Fintech, SaaS, and Enterprise)

Fun Fact: I am the current owner of what *might* be the jacket worn by Nicky Butt in the 1998/99 Champions League semi final.

Stages: Pre-Seed, Seed

Sectors: Data Infrastructure, Applied ML and ML Tools, and Privacy/Security

Twitter: @RichardLiv55

Fun Fact: I’m a twin!

Stages: Up to Growth

Sectors: Food & FoodTech

Fun Fact: I was previously a fashion designer.

Stages: General / agnostic

Sectors: Healthcare with a focus on therapeutics

Twitter: Twitter is for the birds (see what I did there?)

Fun Fact: My last name became an internet phenomenon a few years ago and I’m still recruiting JD/MBA support to explore copyright protections.

Stages: Pre-seed to Series A

Sectors: Emerging market

Twitter: @Dante_YCY

Fun Fact: I was born in a village built 1,300 years ago in order to guard the mausoleum of an emperor and his wife, the only female with an emperor title in Chinese history.

Stages: Early stage (Seed, Series A, Series B)

Sectors: Agnostic, but mostly Consumer

Fun Fact: I appeared on Nickelodeon when I was 9!

Stages: Early stage

Sectors: Generalist

Twitter: @AlbertXu8

Fun Fact: I am a weekly swimmer since primary school.

Credit: Source link

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