Rachel Ngom, Founder of She’s Making an Impact, Advises Leaning Into Your Gift Until the Magic Happens

As the Founder of ‘She’s Making an Impact,’ Rachel Ngom has had plenty of chances to help other women learn their unique selling points, or gifts, and how to share them with the world. Through her podcast and coaching, she has assisted countless women in leaning into their talents to create rich and rewarding lives.

But have you ever considered why she does what she does? To the multi-income-stream entrepreneur, it’s simple. “None of this would have been possible without a coach or mentor,” she shared. “Hiring a coach for myself was one of the most impactful things I ever did. Mentorship is so important!”

That’s why today, Ngom helps women find their gifts and have the courage to lean into them to create magic in their lives. The purpose-driven entrepreneur is driven by making a positive difference in women’s lives via education on finances, generational wealth, and income streams.

Her classes and coaching take her lessons even deeper, and her new course, Success Without Stress, is coming out in January and is set to be the most exciting one yet.

Finding Success

Her path to the summit had its rocky parts, though.

“I got my master’s in social work and couldn’t find a job. So, we ended up broke, on food stamps, and with negative 400 dollars in our checking account,” admitted Ngom. “I had to get resourceful, selling everything out of our house so that I could afford to do a program that would teach me about making money through social media. The program was a catalyst and helped me create a six-figure network marketing business, showing me what was actually possible.”

While network marketing served her well for a few years, helping her and her husband get out of debt, it eventually stopped working for her.

“I needed to do something else because I was hustling my butt off with my network marketing company, and it wasn’t working anymore,” said Ngom.

That was when she hired her coach, who helped her find her genius zone, her gifts and helped her shift into teaching Pinterest as a lead generation tool. With her coach’s guidance, she quickly became known as the go-to Pinterest expert.

Rachel Ngom Turns to Teaching

Ngom noticed that numerous entrepreneurs were struggling with their respective lead generation efforts, which prompted her to begin teaching the Pinterest expertise she had garnered along the way. She launched her first online course as a result, Pin with Purpose.

“With a teeny, tiny email list, and just two weeks after starting my new business, I pre-sold my very first online training course, earning over $3,000 that first month. And the next month, I tripled that. Our first year in business, we served over 1,700 clients and made over $430,000,” she said.

Today, she and her husband own a car rental business, a large-scale egg production farm, and equestrian land. Of course, Ngom also has her coaching, courses, and podcast.

Today, she reveals her secrets to finding your gifts and leaning into them to create professional and personal magic. This is just one of the topics she covers in her courses and coaching.

Own Your Gift

Ngom advises people starting businesses to recognize their gifts and run with them. If you are an expert conversationalist, make sure you can use that in your business, and even start a podcast. If you are a numbers maven, look for some way to monetize that.

She advises budding entrepreneurs on their leadership abilities and helping them focus on taking more off their respective plates through delegation tactics. Typically, entrepreneurs hold onto tasks with the notion that no one can do it better, but in reality, when they start to trust and let go a bit, they begin to focus on their ‘zone of genius’ and become visionaries at their companies.

Lean Into Your Top Skills

Her next bit of wisdom is to continue developing your best — or favorite — skills. If that means taking a course or attending a convention where you can learn from experts or network with like-minded entrepreneurs, do it.

For Ngom, that has meant developing her love of multiple income streams, so she continues to lean in and learn how she can develop more and better new streams.

Find Chances to Do Good

In developing her many businesses, including coaching, Ngom discovered the joy of helping others. Through their numerous Senegal-based businesses, she and her husband are able to provide jobs for people that normally wouldn’t have well-paying jobs, and it feels fantastic.

“That has been one of the coolest things. Donating to nonprofits is great — we even have one — but I think it’s entrepreneurship that can really change the world, provide jobs and give different opportunities,” she said.

Peter Page is the Contributions Editor at Grit Daily. Formerly at Entrepreneur.com, he began his journalism career as a newspaper reporter long before print journalism had even heard of the internet, much less realized it would demolish the industry. The years he worked a police reporter are a big influence on his world view to this day. Page has some degree of expertise in environmental policy, the energy economy, ecosystem dynamics, the anthropology of urban gangs, the workings of civil and criminal courts, politics, the machinations of government, and the art of crystallizing thought in writing.

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