Technology’s Influence on Organizational Culture: 8 Lessons Learned by Business Leaders

In the digital era, technology’s role in shaping organizational culture is undeniable. We’ve gathered insights from eight CEOs and COOs to explore how tech adoption has transformed their companies, from adopting Notion for streamlined remote work to using Motivosity to unify teams and strengthen culture.

  • Notion Streamlines Remote Work
  • GovernanceAI Streamlines API Reviews
  • Taskade Boosts Team Collaboration and Fun
  • Gen Z Embraces Asynchronous Work Tools
  • Project Management Tools Enhance Collaboration
  • Asana Enables Streamlined Project Management
  • AI Elevates Marketing and Cultural Engagement
  • Competency Assessments Define Company Culture
  • Motivosity Unifies Team and Strengthens Culture

Notion Streamlines Remote Work

Even before the pandemic, we were a remote-working agency. In fact, I set the business up as completely remote-working about 20 years ago. As such, we’ve tried dozens of remote-working tools to ensure we can collaborate, build a company culture, and do work together securely. A recent change for us has been in terms of our project management tooling. We used to be on Basecamp, but eventually outgrew their systems. We moved to ClickUp but found it created more problems than it solved.

So, we decided to leverage the almighty power of Notion, which is so adaptable that you can really make almost anything there. We called our homegrown system “Ada,” and while we’re refining our processes, it’s a place of our own that we can adapt how we like to suit our needs. This has shortened the time spent on admin dramatically, and because both document creation and storage also take place in Notion, it means everything is all in one place. And we know the team prefers it because while we may not agree on everything, we all agree that Notion is one of the best remote-working tools on the market, so the switch has made everyone in the agency happier.

Matthew StibbeMatthew Stibbe
CEO, Articulate Marketing

GovernanceAI Streamlines API Reviews

In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, the importance of API governance cannot be overstated. With over a decade of experience leading technical teams and delivering world-class products, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges that arise when ensuring API and application governance align with industry and organizational standards.

One of the most significant pain points our technical team encountered was the cumbersome process of API governance. Developing APIs that adhere to best practices and standards is paramount for any organization with API products. However, without a streamlined governance process in place, we often found ourselves mired in lengthy discussions and debates, leading to delays, rework, and wasted resources.

To address this challenge, we implemented a collaborative approach, encouraging the entire engineering team to participate in the review process. While this approach fostered valuable input from team members, it also resulted in diverse opinions and prolonged discussions, hindering our progress and productivity. Recently, we introduced a game-changing solution to streamline our API governance process: GovernanceAI from PerfAI. This innovative tool automates the API governance review process, freeing our team from the tedious task of manual reviews and eliminating delays caused by endless discussions.

With GovernanceAI, our team now benefits from instant and comprehensive feedback, ensuring that our APIs consistently adhere to industry and organizational standards. By automating governance reviews, we have regained valuable time and confidence in our development process. Furthermore, GovernanceAI has fostered greater alignment within our team, as everyone now has access to the same set of best practices and standards. This alignment has not only improved our efficiency but has also led to the delivery of enterprise-grade APIs that are easy to maintain and widely adopted.

As a result of implementing GovernanceAI, our leadership team is pleased with the significant reduction in integration costs and the accelerated pace of API development. With GovernanceAI, we have transformed our API governance process, enabling us to deliver superior products while saving time, resources, and costs. In conclusion, GovernanceAI as a technology has revolutionized our approach to API governance, empowering our team to deliver exceptional APIs with unparalleled efficiency and confidence.

Intesar MohammedIntesar Mohammed
Founder and CEO, PerfAI, Inc.

Taskade Boosts Team Collaboration and Fun

Tech has really changed the game for us, making our workplace culture much more collaborative and dynamic. For instance, bringing Taskade into the mix has totally switched up how we handle projects and team collaboration.

It’s cool because we’ve been able to fold AI right into our daily grind, streamlining everything we do. With features like the AI Workflow Generator and those handy Gantt charts, we’ve seen our productivity go through the roof. Plus, it’s added a whole layer of fun and creativity to our tasks.

Seeing the team become more empowered, thanks to tech, especially AI, has been a highlight. It’s not just about working smarter; it’s about working in a way that brings out the best in everyone.

John XieJohn Xie
Co-Founder and CEO, Taskade

Gen Z Embraces Asynchronous Work Tools

Our company is fully made up of Gen Z employees—that means we have an increased focus on work-life balance, healthy work habits, and leading with empathy. As we’re remote, technology helps us achieve efficient work asynchronously, so we can skip unnecessary meetings and energy-draining processes that are often only there for lack of a better practice.

Using Slack for all our communications (text and voice messages), combined with Loom for quick videos, means that we’ve never had a need for a full-team meeting unless everyone wanted to discuss something all together. It helps us focus on efficiency and productivity while saving tons of valuable time.

Erifili GounariErifili Gounari
Founder and CEO, The Z Link

Project Management Tools Enhance Collaboration

One example of how technology adoption has impacted employee dynamics and collaboration is the implementation of a project management tool. This tool has streamlined communication, task assignment, and progress tracking, allowing our teams to collaborate more effectively and stay organized. It has also facilitated remote work and flexible scheduling, leading to improved work-life balance and increased productivity.

Additionally, our use of videoconferencing and virtual meeting platforms has enabled seamless communication and connection among team members, regardless of their location. Overall, technology has played a crucial role in shaping our organization’s culture, fostering collaboration, innovation, and adaptability.

Mike PodestoMike Podesto
Founder & CEO, Find My Profession

Asana Enables Streamlined Project Management

Without technology, we wouldn’t exist. As a digital marketing agency, we were born online and continue to be fully online as well.

On top of that, our team is entirely remote, so we, of course, would be nowhere without the technology that we take for granted. With that being said, we also find ourselves adopting new technologies by the day—technologies that help us improve how we communicate with each other and with our clients, as well as technologies that allow us to build our products more quickly and with fewer errors as well.

For example, when we first started our business and for the first 1-2 years, we were using a free project management tool that did all of the basics and did them well enough for it never to be an issue. Once we started growing a bit further, we switched to Asana, also a project management tool, but one with infinitely more capabilities. Once we switched, we realized just how much more streamlined and effective our project management could be. Better yet, this technology allowed each team member to navigate the exact same project as one another, but in a format that worked best for how they operate.

Sure, for some team members of ours who hadn’t had much experience working with digital tools, the ramp-up to proficiency was longer, but the implementation of new technologies like these and their impact on your end product make them a necessity to run a truly streamlined business today, digital or not. Although our experience with Asana is just one of many that we can proffer, we’ve seen the impact of adopting new technologies on our clients as well, and in 95% or more of those cases, it is a worthwhile investment.

Alex MeloneAlex Melone
Co-Founder & Chief Production Officer, CodeCrew

AI Elevates Marketing and Cultural Engagement

At Capicua, we took one step further in adding AI tools to improve our daily performance and our culture. For example, we use AI in diverse fields, such as in the marketing area, where we use custom-made images as part of our marketing strategy, especially on social media.

This helps us see higher performance and engagement metrics on platforms like LinkedIn, boosting referral site visits and sustained growth in pages per session.

José MoyaJosé Moya
Outreach Manager, We Are Capicua

Competency Assessments Define Company Culture

Technology has influenced our organization’s culture in many ways. One example of how technology adoption has impacted our culture at Hiring Indicators is that we’ve used competency assessments to help define and give depth to our culture.

Every person on our team has taken a competency assessment, and we also use them as part of the hiring process. This shows us what competencies pre-existing team members share, and how new hires could fit in. Using technology to define our company culture gives us a data-driven baseline to work from and shows us objectively where we can improve as an organization.

Linda ScorzoLinda Scorzo
CEO, Hiring Indicators

Motivosity Unifies Team and Strengthens Culture

Our company uses a tool called Motivosity as a foundational part of our company culture. It keeps team members unified because it’s a central place where people can connect. Whether that’s through peer-to-peer recognition, company awards, micro-cultures based on interest groups, or just corporate communication, Motivosity is a huge part of how our culture has become so strong.

Logan MalloryLogan Mallory
Vice President of Marketing, Motivosity

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Greg Grzesiak is an Entrepreneur-In-Residence and Columnist at Grit Daily. As CEO of Grzesiak Growth LLC, Greg dedicates his time to helping CEOs influencers and entrepreneurs make the appearances that will grow their following in their reach globally. Over the years he has built strong partnerships with high profile educators and influencers in Youtube and traditional finance space. Greg is a University of Florida graduate with years of experience in marketing and journalism.

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