The AI Video Generator that may help you earn money

In the rapidly evolving world of social media, a new breed of influencers is taking the stage: AI-generated virtual personalities. These digital creations are captivating audiences and monetizing their unique creativity in ways that were once thought impossible. Among these trailblazers is Lil Miquela, a virtual influencer who has taken the fashion and music industries by storm.

Lil Miquela, created by the Los Angeles-based startup Brud, first made her debut on Instagram in 2016. With her striking appearance and enigmatic persona, she quickly amassed a large following. To date, Lil Miquela boasts over 3 million followers on the platform, a testament to her growing influence and popularity (1).

But Lil Miquela is more than just a pretty face. She has leveraged her unique position as an AI influencer to collaborate with numerous fashion brands, including Calvin Klein, Prada, and Burberry. These partnerships have not only helped to establish her as a fashion icon but have also generated significant income for her creators.

While the exact figures of Lil Miquela’s earnings are not public, it is estimated that she charges anywhere from $8,500 to $10,000 per sponsored post on Instagram (2). With her massive following and frequent brand collaborations, it’s clear that Lil Miquela is monetizing her creativity in a big way.

Lil Miquela’s success story is just one example of how AI influencers are making their mark in the digital world. Another notable figure is Shudu, the world’s first digital supermodel. Created by photographer Cameron-James Wilson, Shudu has been featured in numerous fashion campaigns and collaborations, further demonstrating the potential for AI models to generate income in the fashion industry (3).

As the demand for engaging and innovative content continues to grow, platforms like APOB AI are empowering users to create their own AI models and potentially monetize them. By offering a user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and a revenue-sharing program, is democratizing the process of creating AI influencers and opening up new opportunities for creators to monetize their work.

The rise of AI influencers and the success stories of Lil Miquela and Shudu highlight the immense potential for monetizing creativity in the digital age. As more businesses and individuals recognize the power of AI-generated content, the demand for unique and compelling AI models is only set to grow.

If you’re looking to tap into this exciting new world of AI-generated content and potentially monetize your own creativity, APOB AI is the perfect place to start. With its intuitive platform and generous free credits, you can begin creating your own AI models today and start building your own success story in the world of virtual influencers.

Here are the steps to do it.

Step 1: 

Visit: APOB.AI

Create your account for FREE.

Once you’re signed in:

Select “Create Portrait Model.” to generate your AI Model:

Upload an image of your choice/Customize by yourself by clicking on “AI Influencer Generator”

Specify a name for your AI model.

Describe your AI model.

After generating AI Model:

Select an art “Style” for your model.

Click “Generate” to create the images.

In a matter of a few seconds, 4 unique portraits of your AI model will be generated.

You know what’s the best part?

You’ll receive 80 free credits upon signing up.

Simply follow this link and sign up now: APOB.AI

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