Top 10 Female Mindset & High-Performance Coaches Disrupting the Self-Help Industry

The rise of the self-help movement and maximizing your potential has become a more and more important topic in the last decade. The truth is that a person who seeks to improve themselves and elevate their life is more likely to succeed with some coaching. The first step is finding a compatible coach to help you work on your mindset, purpose, relationships, career, leadership qualities, and overall well-being.

Especially during the past year, an ever increasing number of professional coaches are promoting themselves, each promising they are best suited to help you reach your potential. A good coach will pose the most important questions, support you through difficult times, and celebrate your victories. The best coaches challenge your beliefs and thinking patterns to help you to better understand yourself. Good coaching teaches you to smooth out the ups and downs of life.

Who is the best fit for your needs and who will actually deliver on their promise to help you reach your full potential as a leader, professionally and personally? We have interviewed over 100+ thought leaders to help you make the decision.

1. Dr. Eve Agee

If you’re going to take advice from anybody, take it from someone who’s worked for the White House. Dr. Eve Agee founded Transform Coaching Academy, which gives people the opportunity to follow in her footsteps and become successful coaches.

Dr. Eve Agee

Eve is among the most accomplished and experienced coaches in the business of training a new generation of professionals. Her program sells a vision for a future that is more just. That cannot begin until people are empowered to become leaders who inspire more budding coaches, creating a global impact.

Each of Eve’s several hundred clients had their own unique goals and beliefs. Rather than harming her business, this diversity helps it as the self-improvement sector gains more perspectives. Aspiring female leaders are encouraged to enroll in the 2023 Transform Coaching Academy, which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation and taught by Eve herself.

2. Sandra Possing

Sandra, the founder of Sandra Possing International and certified coach from San Francisco, shows people without a coach what they have missed out on. Her specialty is welcoming new people into the world of self-development.

Personal development often seems cheesy or overly spiritual to those who new to it. Even worse, they might think it is reserved for achievement fixated entrepreneurs. Sandra’s job is to break perceptions and encourage more people to rethink their lives.

Sandra Possing

Sandra is a bridge between enthusiasts and newcomers. She is the type of coach with something to offer for everybody – whether designing lifestyles or navigating challenges.

Sandra believes taking a step into self-improvement can bring people back home tfo themselves. That means healing their relationships, re-discovering who they are, and getting back on track to realizing their dreams.

3. Vanessa Alfaro

Vanessa Alfaro, also known as the empowered communicator, is a communication and anger management coach for women. As she explains, most women have been carrying anger and rage for years, stressing their bodies and minds. This is why they sometimes lose their temper, or have breakdowns.

Vanessa Alfaro

And it’s not their fault. They were simply never taught to deal with that. This is why Vanessa developed her unique framework called “The Anger Algorithm” which helps women relieve the anger buried inside of them and use that energy to become better performers, wives, mothers, and live a more fulfilled life.

Vanessa’s mission is to help women step into the highest expression of who they are for themselves, others, and the world. She’s here to empower women.

4. Renee McDonald

Renee McDonald, an industry expert in therapy and coaching and a truly agile professional, is the first Australian therapist to offer Online Therapy training to therapists. Named by Emilie Wapnick as ‘multipotentialite’, Renee is a creative therapist, coach, director, and founder of AOTT.

Over 1,000 therapists have benefited from Renee’s expertise in preparing for the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Her reach expands even wider when you consider her status as a social media mental health influencer. Renee has a special talent for to relating with a mass of people online.

Renee McDonald

One takeaway from recent events is that therapy needs to become normalized. Demand has increased across the board for sessions, especially among therapists themselves. Renee McDonald is on the case. She is the remote therapist’s therapist, the coach’s coach, and the mentor’s mentor.

5. Kimberly Ann Maugans

Kimberly Ann Maugans is a psychotherapist who is passionate about helping others reach their full potential in all areas of life. Her passion for psychology and education comes from her own experiences.

She believes that more people should use the resources of life coaches and mental health therapists to improve their jobs, self-esteem, mental health, and interpersonal relationships, whether with friends, children, or significant others.

Kimberly Ann Maugans

Kimberly’s goal is to disrupt the mental health coaching industry by listening to the needs of patients and actually understanding the importance of providing concrete skills, techniques, and knowledge to empower their daily lives.

What qualifies Kimberly to approach family issues with such confidence? Her first answer would be raising 21-year-old triplets and a 19-year-old son. Before then, she had to overcome an impoverished family background to go to college and start a career. Ultimately, the proof is in the products of her work; saved marriages, empowered women, and rekindled relationships.

6. Josie Ochoa Meza

Many coaches slowly work through a client’s problems through subtle lifestyle changes. Josie Ochoa Meza, on the other hand, goes straight for the roots, no matter how deep they might be. People might think they understand their emotions, but they haven’t met Josie. Transformative change is her goal, no more, no less.

Josie Ochoa Meza

She is emotionally aware, with the ability to bring a person’s darkest, most difficult tendencies to light. Even her company, Emotional Wisdom, is named after what she believes is central to all negative dispositions. From there, it’s about encouraging clients to shift their perception of their own emotions.

A survivor of depression and suicidal thoughts, Josie understands more than most that squashing down unattractive feelings only worsens the problem. Clients should expect a newfound understanding of the ’emotional ecosystem,’ resulting in genuine peace and the chance to heal long-standing fractures.

7. Michele O’Mara

Plenty of us would love to separate our relationships from everyday pressures, if even for a while. Michele O’Mara, a relationship specialist at Lesbian Adventures in Love, offers just that for same-sex female couples.

What is an adventure in love? The reality is much like life, a combination of work and play. Attendees at these destination retreats across the United States have the opportunity to repair their relationships in new, unfamiliar surroundings. Michele provides vital coaching on intimate and effective communication throughout the trip.

Alongside hosting relationship transformation vacations for lesbian couples, Michele has used her Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology to write a book named ‘1,000 Questions to Grow Your Relationship’. Her Wholehearted Communication and Six Lesbian Love Code strategies have resulted in ten fail-proof retreats for attending couples so far. Couples are welcome regardless of their stage of development.

8. Dr. Jo Anne White

The words ‘Success Doc’ sum Dr. Jo Anne White up perfectly. She shares the objective of many coaches—helping people improve themselves—but incorporates holistical spiritual and energy work to ensure her clients are ready for a more prosperous future.

Healing is another cornerstone of her work. Jo has been through the wringer over the years, having suffered many of the shortcomings she now teaches about as well as serious injuries. So she had to learn her invaluable lessons out of necessity before coaching others through adversity.

Dr. Jo Anne White

Besides her more personal work, she also offers companies and organizations the chance to bring their teams closer together, which they undoubtedly need after the past few years. Temple University and Women in Communication are just a couple of the corporations that have benefitted from her seminars and programs. Many more have viewed her appearances on the likes of NBC and Fox.

9. Erica Gifford Mills

Erica Gifford Mills, founder of Balanced Symmetree, made it her mission to turn everybody’s uniqueness into greatness. She gives her clients the confidence to chase their dreams by teaching them that it’s okay to try and fail. In other words, she’s that extra push you might need to bet on yourself and go all in.

Erica Gifford Mills

According to Erica, she’s just a regular person who followed her dreams. To day besides being a sought-after mindset coach, she’s launching her book titled  ‘The Rooted Life: Live, Love, Let Go.’ She’s also a promised guest on multiple stages in 2023. She’ll be speaking at the International Congress on Phenomenal Women in Paris and at Women Influencers and Empowerment Expo, Toronto Canada.

To Erica, every person has different experiences, and that makes us unique. This is why she helps her clients use their own strengths to win in life.

10. Jessica Leigh Armstrong

Jessica is the successful founder of TCCREATED , a transaction coordinator for real estate agents. She’s also regarded as the go-to mindset coach for ambitious people who feel stuck, simply because she leads from experience.

See, when she was younger, Jessica had crippling self-doubt and got sucked into a job she hated, too afraid of chasing her dreams. As a result of doing something that did not align with her soul, she fell into depression, and the only way out was to take her life into her own hands.

Jessica Leigh Armstrong

This is why today, she assists individuals who feel like their life is being stolen from them re-take control of their destiny and cultivate a champion’s mindset. The way she does that is by helping them not judge themselves for who they are now and trust their intuition so they can become the person they could be.

There you have it, 10 of the most influential mindset and high performance coaches whose teachings can help you reach your goals in 2023 and beyond. Having someone who’s been in your shoes and overcome the mental challenges you’re going through can be relieving, because If they did it, then so can you.

Sabrina Stocker is a columnist at Grit Daily.

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