Walnut presents: Beyond ‘Beyond Demos’ What Happens When Sales Teams Get a 360-Degree View of the Buyer Journey?

Written by Paul Fox

Two years ago, Walnut, the company that launched the viral LinkedIn movement #WeAreProspects, unveiled “Beyond Demos” – a product suite designed to revolutionize the way sales teams conduct interactive product demonstrations

Walnut, the renowned interactive demo platform, has just announced another major evolution of its product suite. 

This latest update transforms Walnut into a comprehensive interactive demo platform, aimed at providing GTM teams with unprecedented insights into the entire buyer journey. The timing couldn’t be more crucial, as B2B sales teams face increasing pressure to adapt to rapidly changing buyer behaviors and expectations.

In today’s complex B2B landscape, buyers engage with multiple touchpoints before ever speaking to a sales rep. From website visits and social media interactions to review sites and content consumption, each engagement provides valuable signals about a prospect’s interests and intent. 

Recognizing this shift, Walnut has expanded its capabilities to capture and analyze these diverse interactions, offering sales professionals a holistic view of the buyer’s journey.

Beyond Demos: A new era of sales intelligence

The cornerstone of Walnut’s new offering is its ability to consolidate data from various sources, including CRM activities, demo interactions, and engagement with forms or emails. 

This capability allows sales teams to see the full picture of their prospects’ behavior, enabling more informed and timely decision-making, benefitting both sellers and buyers. 


Two key features stand out in this release:


  1. Integrated CRM activity tracking: Strategizing next steps and assessing deal momentum requires more than just measuring demo engagement. With this in mind, sales professionals can now view a complete timeline of buyer interactions within Walnut. This includes emails, calls, form submissions, and demo engagements, providing a comprehensive view of the prospect’s journey.
  2. Demo and Media Playlists: To deliver a truly product-led sales experience, sales teams need to rely on more than just live demo calls. Essentially, navigating the modern buying process requires multiple touchpoints shared with various stakeholders. With this in mind, Playlists allow teams to share a curated mix of content assets like sales presentations, contracts, and pricing 1-pagers alongside their interactive demos. This offers a more tailored and informative buyer experience, addressing the diverse information needs of modern B2B decision-makers.


Yoav Vilner, CEO of Walnut, noted the significance of this update, “The demand for a more intelligent, data-driven approach to B2B selling is at an all-time high. Our customers have asked for a way to connect the dots across the entire buyer journey, and we’ve delivered with this major platform evolution.”

Empowering sales teams in a changing landscape

The team at Walnut recognizes that in today’s competitive environment, the ability to quickly understand and respond to buyer signals can be the difference between closing a deal and losing it to a competitor. 

By providing a unified view of prospect interactions, Walnut aims to help sales teams:

  • Predict buyer intent more accurately.
  • Tailor their approach based on comprehensive engagement data.
  • Respond more quickly to prospect needs and inquiries.
  • Create more personalized and effective sales experiences.


With this significant update, Walnut has responded to the growing need for a more holistic, data-driven approach to B2B sales. By expanding beyond demo creation to offer a comprehensive view of the entire buyer journey, Walnut is positioning itself as a critical tool for sales teams looking to thrive in an increasingly complex selling environment.

As the B2B sales landscape continues to evolve, platforms like Walnut that can provide actionable insights across the entire buyer journey will likely become indispensable for high-performing sales teams. The question now is not if, but how quickly sales organizations will adapt to this new paradigm of intelligent, buyer-centric selling.


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