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Google Researchers Introduce StyleDrop: An AI Method that Enables the…
A group of researchers from Google have recently unveiled StyleDrop, an innovative neural network developed in…
ETH Zurich and HKUST Researchers Propose HQ-SAM: A High-Quality Zero-Shot…
Accurate segmentation of multiple objects is essential for various scene understanding applications, such as…
Meet Pix2Act: An AI Agent That Can Interact With GUIs Using The Same…
By enabling users to connect with tools and services, systems that can follow directions from graphical user…
UK to Lead Global Discussions on AI Safety with First Major Summit
In a world rapidly advancing with Artificial Intelligence (AI), the United Kingdom has announced its intention to host the first…
Discovering the Apple Vision Pro: 6 Mind-Blowing Hidden Features to Explore
Apple has announced the release of Apple Vision Pro, a groundbreaking spatial computer that seamlessly integrates…
Stanford Researchers Introduce CWM (Counterfactual World Modeling): A…
In recent times, there has been significant progress in Natural Language Understanding and Natural Language…
AI in Media: How Is Generative AI Revamping the Media & Entertainment…
In 2021, OpenAI introduced DALL-E, a deep learning model that can generate realistic images from text prompts. This was the first…
Scaling Generative Retrieval: Google Research and University of…
In a revolutionary leap forward, generative retrieval approaches have emerged as a disruptive paradigm in…
The AI Cousin of Michelangelo: Neuralangelo is an AI Model That can Achieve…
Neural networks have advanced quite significantly in recent years, and they have found themselves a use case in…
Do Video-Language Models Understand Actions? If Not, How To Fix It? Meet…
Recent video-language models’ (VidLMs) performance on various video-language tasks has been outstanding. Such…